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The useIntersectionObserver hook provides a way to detect when an element enters or exits the viewport. It offers options for configuring intersection thresholds, margins, and one-time animation triggers.


import { useIntersectionObserver } from 'react-haiku';



import { useIntersectionObserver } from 'react-haiku';

export const Component = () => {
const {observeRef, isVisible} = useIntersectionObserver({
animateOnce: false,
threshold: .5,
rootMargin: '-40% 0px -40% 0px'
return (
<div ref={observeRef}>
I'm being observed!


This hook accepts the following arguments:

  • animateOnce (optional) - boolean indicating whether the element should be observed only once (true) or continuously (false), the default value for this argument is false.
  • options - an object containing IntersectionObserver options:
    • threshold (optional) - a single number or an array of numbers representing the percentage of the target's visibility the observer's callback should trigger.
    • rootMargin (optional) - a string which defines a margin around the root. This can be used to grow or shrink the area used for intersection detection.