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The useHold() hook lets you detect long presses (holds) on target elements and trigger a handler after a set timeout is elapsed while the user is still holding down (click/touch) the element.


import { useHold } from 'react-haiku';


Successful Holds: 0
import { useState } from 'react'
import { useHold } from "react-haiku"

export const Component = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
const handleHold = () => setCount(count + 1);

const buttonHold = useHold(handleHold, { delay: 2000 });

return (
<b>Successful Holds: {count}</b>
<button {...buttonHold}>
Press & Hold!


This hook accepts the following arguments:

  • callback - the handler function to execute on successful holds
  • options - the options object you can pass in
    • doPreventDefault - boolean, whether or not to prevent the default event
    • delay - number, a value in milliseconds, the amount of time the user needs to hold an element to trigger an event